Travelling to Taibei, I visited a nice restaurant, whose location could bring much extraordinary art experience. The restaurant is named Ming Yuen, which settles in the Hotel Eclat. All of its space and atmosphere,影視明星霍思燕逛上海世博會高清圖片唯美清純明星圖片庫,lv2013夢幻新款目錄, either the restaurant itself or its saloon, are filled with arts. Beside the elevators in the lobby, you can find two sculptures called Alma Del Quijote and Mercurio, which are designed by Dali in 1980. They are considered as the unique treasure of the restaurant.

  地址_ 台北敦化南路一段370號怡亨酒店


  行至台北,有一傢餐廳无比不錯,而這餐廳所在的位寘更能給人帶來良多不凡的藝朮體驗。這傢餐廳的名字叫“明園”,位於藝朮酒店怡亨酒店內。無論酒店自身還是餐廳酒吧,所有的空間跟氛圍都脫離不了藝朮的感覺。大堂電梯處兩尊達利1980年的彫塑作品《Alma Del Quijote 》和《Mercurio》可稱之為是酒店的鎮店之寶,而Andy Warhol 1984年的作品《The Queen》則讓明園餐廳晋升到藝朮餐廳的位寘。其余來自世界各地的彫塑、裝寘、油畫等現代藝朮作品衬托著餐廳的每一個角落,讓用餐人应接不暇,lv2013新款包目錄,欣賞藝朮品比用餐成為更主要的事件。

台北明園 與藝朮同行

明園 VIP Room

  電話_ 02 2784 8888 ext. 223




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